The Station
- Davis Vantage Pro2
- Weatherlink USB (not very reliable serial version reported to be much better)
- Elevation 34 Metres
- Operational since 26 December 2004
The Software
- Ubuntu Linux Server Edition
- Weather Display for Linux Console
- Canada-Multingual Weather Display/PHP/AJAX Website Template Set
The Computer
- An Acer laptop that was slated to to go the recycling depot
- Is running off a 4gb USB flash drive as the hard drive
- Uses about 13 watts of hydro
The Weather
- Record High 35.7 - 27 June 2021
- Record Cold -8.9 - 20 December 2008
- Average Annual Rainfall 964 Millimetres
- Rainiest Day 56.4 Millimetres - 16 January 2006
- Located on Vancouver Island
- Population 78,692 - 2006
- Elevation Sea Level - 346 Metres