Improvments to make to this site with no time frame to complete
Overlay thermometre with an image that is greater than 256 colours so it looks pretty.
Decide what to do with French remove or move change settings to sutable spot and fix things like compass
Fix forecast page
Create dropdown menu of external links like wunderground wynias...
Decide if music link is appropriate on this page
Try to get an almanac page going
Fix background on all other pages
Fix moon from always saying new moon
Get rid of tables on the 2 day forecast at bottom of page possibly move 5 day forecast here
Update the footer as the header.
Get rid of weather display software and go to something open source
Choose a better looking font
try to make page less wide to help lower resolutions
make the moon logo a lot nicer
Put the update time back on the page
Try to get something to notify users in case weather station flatlines
Provide link to high res sattilite picture
Try to provide current conditions from satillite image
Improve the about page.
Verify that all fields are updating every 3 seconds
Remove under construction Print.